The Sacred Heart of Jesus addresses Reverend Mother Prioress to console her
For a long time, I have desired to have a conversation with you, my dear spouse, and open my heart to you.
But I wanted to see you alone, retired in prayer, so that with calmness you could hear my voice.
You are very sad, my daughter, I see you sometimes cry, immersed in a thousand tasks, working without stopping.
And I see that such weight you cannot bear, and as a faithful and loving husband, I want you to rest
Leave the leadership in my hands with full assurance that nothing will be lacking for this Community.
For the love I have for you, I tell you my will, that I will be the Procurator of this Community
Trust in my providence, for it cannot forget its beloved wives who live in solitude.
But I wish that you come and tell me your pain, asking me to assist you in all your tribulation.
Tell me your needs with complete sincerity, because I can help you and I want to console you.
But I have a complaint with you, and I will tell you the reason, and it is that you have little faith in my loving heart.
I see you worried, spilled out on the outside, seeking in creatures shelter and favour.
This displeases me greatly, daughter of my heart, seeing that among creatures you seek your consolation.
With this, you manifest to me that you have little love for me and you lose the trust that should exist between us.
What I am telling you now, do not think it is reproach, but a loving complaint from my heart.
If you love me preferentially, as is your duty, as the most faithful wife, you will open your heart to me.
Then we will enjoy intimate communication, you sharing your sorrows and I consoling your affliction.
If you behave this way in the day of pain, you will have a secure refuge within my heart.
What do you think, my daughter, if I have great love for you and take care of my wife in every tribulation?
And you can sleep peacefully trusting in my goodness, for I will watch over you and this Community.
If you do so, you will see from experience, the graces and blessings will rain down upon the Community.
The Community that allows itself to be governed by my hands is the one that lives more peacefully and abounds more in goods.
You must be entirely mine, and your daughters are also mine, and thus we will live together in one heart.
And in the days of trial, do not offend me by doubting, trust, have much faith, for I will return peace.
I want much faith from you, that you grow in humility, and above all in love, which must reign in this house.
Take good care of your daughters, that they may not lose their fervour, and watch over the observance, correcting with love.
Keep much gravity, humility in your heart, with a pleasant modesty that captivates the heart.
Conversations with laypeople be sure to avoid, and never go to the grille unless there’s great necessity.
Do not have familiarity with the outside world and you will see how you will gain more respect from the world.
Nothing that happens at home should be allowed to go outside, and in this way, true union and peace will reign.
And the one who fails in this, punish her with rigour, and thus you will restore the original fervour.
Set a good example for your daughters in retreat and prayer so that the litanies may grow and many acts of unity.
Carefully close the turn and the locutorium so that the fire in this Community may be preserved.
Never let news of the world enter this holy enclosure where I wish to dwell.
And these happy souls will thus be preserved pure, candid, and humble, and in holy simplicity.
In all things, go ahead in retreat and fervour, and by the example of the mother, the daughters run swiftly.
And this Community must be a closed garden where the divine heart shall receive its gift.
In this little garden of mine, I have such beautiful flowers that with their pleasant perfume they make a whole God fall in love.
In it, there are carnations, lilies, violets, roses, lilies and jasmines, with hyacinths and poppies.
Take very good care of my garden and the beautiful plants, for I will provide you with a skilled hand to cultivate the roses.
Here, I will come to walk together with my wife, who will show me the trees in bloom with such fragrance
We will walk through the garden from one end to the other, and see if the plants are lush and beautiful.
And in the middle of this garden I will place a fountain to water these plants at the right time.
My divine heart will pour out its torrent, the treasures of its graces, if you do not block the flow.
And you, my dear wife, will be a lily among thorns, pierced by sorrows for defending your daughters.
I leave the garden satisfied and content with my wife. Remove all the weeds so the roses can grow.
You will be the spreader of my loving heart and to all you encounter extend my devotion.
Do not forget the advice that as a husband I give you, and in everything that is offered to you, turn to my heart.