Two books are in preparation: one that collects the contributions of the recently discovered letters from the Ferragud family, and another comic of notable quality. Their publication will be announced.
Free digital books available on this website.
Don José María Alonso Bonet was entrusted with the Parish of St. Pius X in Algemesí; he was its first pastor, a position he held for ten years, from 1953 to 1963. The five martyrs are currently buried in the temple of this parish. This priest wrote a document during his ministry in this parish, recounting the events related to this family. Here we present the photos of this document.
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Mr. Ramón Fita Revert, delegate for the causes of saints in the Diocese of Valencia, prepared a biographical sketch of Blessed María Teresa Ferragud Roig in 1999 as preparation for her beatification in Rome. It was never printed at that time; only God knows why. He kindly offers us the text on this webpage.
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We also offer the text from the Extraordinary Bulletin of the Archdiocese of Valencia, published on the occasion of the Beatification in Rome of 232 Martyrs on March 11, 2001.
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A small book was published about these martyrs after their beatification: In the End, Love Triumphed: The Masiá Ferragud Family, by Mudarra Blanco, C., Alicante (2002). Due to the difficulty of finding it today, the author has kindly allowed us to make it available on this webpage for free access and download.
File size: 136 MB
Regarding the daughter martyrs, we have the book on Josefa: Blessed Josefa of the Purification Masiá Ferragud, Discalced Augustine, Martyr. Algemesí, 1887 – Creu Coberta d’Alzira, 1936, by Ferri Chulio, A., Sueca (2005). We offer free access to this book on this webpage, thanks to the generosity of its author.
File size: 69,1 MB