Undated, from Concepción Masiá (the eldest of the sisters in the family, who passed away in 1927) to Verónica

[Jesus, Mary, Joseph]
Valencia, San Julián
20th of December
To my dear sister Sister María Verónica, in the most pure hearts of Jesus and Mary:
My dear sister: I hope that when you receive this brief letter, you find yourself in good health. I am well, thanks to God.
The purpose of this letter is to wish you joy during the current Christmas season and the New Year, hoping you celebrate it with much fervour and devotion. May you have a very happy season, and may the Child Jesus fill you with both spiritual and physical blessings. May He grant you all the graces and virtues you most need to be a good religious sister. I also ask you not to forget to pray for me to the Lord, as I truly need it. I pray for you every day, but I am the one in greater need because, as you know, I have a very bad temper. Therefore, the Lord will surely hear you better than He does me.
You will also receive greetings from the Mother Prioress and the entire community. Please share these greetings with your Mother Abbess and the rest of your community. As for you, receive the affection of your sister, who does not forget you in Holy Communion.
Sister Concepción Masiá

1936, From Sister Elvira (Convent of Agullent’s Superior) to Teresa Ferragud

Long life to Jesus and Mary
Mrs. Teresa Ferragud
My dearest Mrs. Ferragud:
Two letters in a row, to tell you not to worry about your daughters. If the time ever comes when they have to leave (which God forbid), they will stay at my house until someone can come for them. And if it were necessary, even more than that—they would be cared for.
Furthermore, anything the convent might need, within our modest means, will be provided. I hold all of you in high regard, as well as Sister Felicidad, though she seems to hold a bit of a grudge against me. We’ll see how she reacts. However, I can assure you that when we were novices, we spent an entire year together without even the slightest disagreement. So much so that Mother Manuela was amazed at the harmony and joy in our novitiate. I trust that, with God’s help, if she improves, she won’t have to endure much hardship. That’s all part of her illness.
I’m waiting with open arms for her, and for you as well. You know that in this convent, you are like Saint Joseph in heaven—not requesting, but commanding. I’m already making you Abbess ahead of time, and when you come, I’ll be at your service. Do you hear me?
The time you have left in this life should be spent with your little daughters, and I don’t want to miss out either.
Purificación, Bautista, your sister, your little nun, and especially Serafín, must accept my offer. And Juanín will be my favorite child—truly, no nonsense. What doesn’t come naturally to me, I don’t say. Your friend in Jesus.
Sister Elvira
I forgot to thank you for the bran and everything else you constantly give us.

24th of February 1936, from the Convent of Benigámin’s chaplain to María Jesús

24th of February 1936
Reverend Sister María Jesús Masiá
In response to yours, I must inform you that, by order of the mayor, the entire community was required to leave yesterday afternoon. In two vehicles, they departed for Valencia, and this morning I was assured that they are indeed there.
Here, the mobs—led by the mayor—are very unruly. Therefore, we do not know what fate awaits the convent.
Yours in Christ, Vicente Albiñana, Chaplain.

26th of August 1936, from Elvira to Teresa

Letter from Sister Elvira to Teresa
Agullent, 26th of August 1936
Mrs. Teresa Ferragud
My dearest lady: We would have gladly taken everything your daughters have here, but it was not possible. Now, with trips being made to Madrid, it is even less feasible. Since Concha has to move houses, it is necessary to send a truck for everything they have here as soon as possible.
We are in good health and eager to hear from you and see my little sisters.
I won’t write more, you will understand the reason. Greetings to all my dear family there, a hug for your daughters, and kisses for Joaquín.
And you, take good care of yourself and count on your most affectionate Sister Elvira.

9th of May 1956, from Mr. Baltasar Argaya, postulator of the Cause, to San Pio X’s parish priest.

Reverend Father Mr. José Mª. Alonso
San Pío X’s parish priest
Valencia 9th of May 1956.
My dear friend:
I’m eager to see you to have a long conversation about the triumph of our Martyrs, especially Teresa Ferragud. She has taken the crown. The Pope had words of unexpected praise for her and said, “She is greater than the mother of the Maccabees.”
It is a shame that none of her relatives came on this pilgrimage. The Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice medal, which had already been awarded to her, would have been personally bestowed by the Pope. No one understands or can explain why no one from Algemesí came, starting with the parish priests and ending with the last of the faithful. In Rome, everyone asked me about Doña Teresa’s daughter and the priests of Algemesí. I was in a difficult position trying to justify these inexplicable absences.
The process continues, and I believe the Apostolic Process will soon begin, elevating those currently considered Servants of God to the status of Venerable.
I ask you not to mention this sorrow I carry to Doña Encarnación, as this is a time not for sadness but for immense joy for the families of the Servants of God. I’d like to talk to you in depth to clearly understand what is happening in Algemesí so we can address any issues that may exist. You have a great saint in Algemesí, and we must exalt her above all the miseries, which are many, and the materialism that corrodes Christian society. Algemesí now belongs to the annals of Ecclesiastical History. Let us work to ensure it remains so.
Eager to see you soon and share my joys and sorrows with you, I send you warm greetings. Yours affectionately in Christ, your friend.
Send a warm and joyful greeting to Doña Encarnación. I hope to see her soon.

23rd of February 1961, from the Bishop of Mondoñedo, to Purificación Masiá

Mrs. Purificación Masiá Ferragud
Highly esteemed Doña Purificación:
I received the magnificent box of oranges you sent me. A thousand thanks! May God repay your charity.
I understand that the beautiful Parish of St. Pius X was inaugurated and that you are now preparing the transfer of the remains of your saintly mother and sisters, saints in the fullest sense of the word, as I believe. Pope Pius XII, in a conversation with me, referred to your mother as the “Mother of the Maccabees of the 20th century.”
Once again, expressing my gratitude and entrusting myself to your prayers, I extend my regards and blessings. Yours affectionately in Christ.