María Teresa and her Martyr Daughters
From Nieves to Felicidad

From Nieves to Felicidad

Without a date, From Nieves to Felicidad


Poor Capuchins Agullent

My dear Sister Felicidad:

With immense happiness and joy in my soul, I take up my pen to inform you that today, Saturday, we received permission from the Palace for you to return and re-enter our beloved community. Sister, little dove of Jesus, spread the wings of your desires and hurry with giant steps to enter the opening and wound of the Divine Heart of Jesus. Do not delay; come soon. Do not tarry, because Jesus is waiting for you with open arms to give your pure soul a sweet and tender embrace. They are expecting me, I can wait no longer. May everyone come to accompany you, and let it be before the Heart of Jesus, so that together we can celebrate the Forty Hours.

My regards to everyone, my dear child, and may you receive a very affectionate and early embrace from your dear mother, who loves you greatly in Jesus and longs to hold you in her arms.

Sister Nieves Giner

P.S.: Greetings from the girls and the Community.

María Teresa and Her Martyr Daughters - San Pio X Parish Algemesí, Valencia - Letters' divider