María Teresa and her Martyr Daughters
From Josefa, in 1935, 1936 and undated.

From Josefa, in 1935, 1936 and undated.

16th of November 1925, to her mother and siblings

Praised be the Blessed Sacrament

Convent of Discalced Augustinians

My dear mother and siblings:

We have received the invoice and payment for the rice and bran, and we are glad to know that everyone is in good health. On Monday, God willing, Mrs. Tránsito will come by and bring the money we owe, as follows: 194 pesetas for the bran, 110 pesetas for the rice, and 94 pesetas for millet, which we kindly ask you to send us 300 kilos of. Adding everything up, the total will be 402 pesetas, in addition to the thousand pesetas we owe you. I believe this will settle our accounts.

Mother, please remember to tear up the receipt I gave you that stated we owed a thousand pesetas, and send me a postcard confirming that you have received it, for my peace of mind. Mother, the cold weather is approaching—please wrap up warmly because I am worried that you might catch a cold.

We were very happy to see the photo of the little one—he looks so charming! May the Lord keep him safe and make him a source of joy and comfort to his parents and family. Take good care of him to preserve the innocence of that little angel heaven has entrusted to you and for whom you must give an account to God.

My Reverend Mother Prioress is sending you some fig loaves that were made by her daughter, and the small loaf is for my little nephew, made by his aunt. Please receive the greetings from my Reverend Mother Prioress and the rest of the Community, and kindly pass them on to Bautista and Purificación on my behalf.

From your daughter and sister, who loves you dearly and always remembers you in her prayers.

Sister Maria de la Purificación

Benigánim, 16th of November 1935

María Teresa and Her Martyr Daughters - San Pio X Parish Algemesí, Valencia - Letters' divider

1936, Relief note.

My dear sisters Sister María Jesús and Sister Mª Verónica: 

These few lines are to let you know that if you want to tell me something, please write to me separately and privately. Do not mention me at all, because if Sister Felicidad reads the letter, she must not find out, as she takes it very badly when I am mentioned in particular, and I have to be very careful. She is not in a good state, but she doesn’t want to write to you, saying that I will go along with you instead. Pray for me, that I may return to the convent soon. Your little sister. Sister María de la Purificación

Written in pencil, undated.


  1. M. J.

Convent of Discalced Augustinians

My dear mother and little sister:

I thank you for the cheese, the sausage, and everything you have sent me. May God repay you for it all.

My dear little sister, Sister Felicidad: I deeply regret how you are feeling, but you mustn’t let it trouble you, for it can be of great merit before God if you bear it with patience and resignation to His divine will, letting the Lord do as He wills with you. Entrust yourself to His divine hands, like a little child in the arms of a loving father—content and at peace, for He is a very good and merciful Father. He delights when we trust Him, desiring only our good, and He will arrange all things for His glory and our sanctification. Love Him deeply and offer all your sufferings to Him as reparation for our sins and those of the whole world. Now is a time for penance because sins are so many, and you can console the Heart of Jesus greatly with your sacrifices. Be encouraged, then, to be a most pleasing victim for the loving Heart of Jesus, who suffers so many offenses. Pray also for me, that I may love Him faithfully and take advantage of all the graces He gives me.

Here, I include some powders of Blessed Inés for you to take with your food. Have much faith, and if health is for your good, the Lord will grant it through her intercession.

Receive the regards of my Reverend Mother Prioress and the entire Community, who do not forget you in their fervent prayers. Your sister, who never forgets you.

Sister María de la Purificación

Incomplete, undated.


I h s

Convent of Blessed Inés


Praised be the Blessed Sacrament

Mrs. Vicenta Esteve, María Vicenta, Mr. Bautista, Angelina, and the rest of the family: I was greatly surprised by the passing of Mrs. Isabel, whose (…) is endless. Please accept, dear Sirs, the most heartfelt condolences, which the Reverend Mother Prioress and the Community, as well as I, extend to you with all our hearts. I hold her very present in my prayers, and I have done many things for her eternal rest. I shall not forget her…

On a painting, undated.

My dear sister Purificación

I’ll give you a task, hoping you’ll understand me better. Rosa, Sor Mercedes’s sister, has a painting that Sister Mercedes took with her when she left here. The other day, she sent word through Sor Rosalía’s mother, who was here, asking her sister Rosa to send the base of the painting. It’s a wooden piece, like a small wooden frame without glass. She also requested that the frame with the glass and other parts be brought to the Mother so you could bring them when you come. However, nothing has been sent yet. I need it. Please speak with Rosa to get it if she has it. If not, she will tell you where it is. Send us the base of the painting soon, if possible, with the man from the truck. Keep the front part with the glass safely with you. When the work is done, I’ll write to you to let you know so you can come and take it. At that point, you can bring the front frame with the glass because I fear it might get broken. I believe you’ve understood me.

Greetings to the Mother and Sor Felicidad.

Your sister, sister Mª de la Purificación