The parish priest of San Pio X, Óscar Benavent, sent a letter to Pope Francis informing him of all the projects regarding the Blessed Martyrs of the parish that he was about to undertake. Pope Francis responded, expressing his paternal closeness and encouraging the work being undertaken.
Answer from Pope Francis, recieved on 2nd October 2024.

Secretary of State
Vatican, 2nd October 2024
Dear in the Lord:
Encouraged by feelings of filial affection, he has kindly sent a respectful letter to the Holy Father, sharing his pastoral initiatives and projects related to the Blessed martyrs María Teresa Ferragud Roig and her companions.
His Holiness Francis appreciates this gesture of cordial closeness and encourages him to continue deepening and presenting the richness of these eminent examples of holiness, so that the holy People of God may fully receive the graces that the Lord has poured out through their martyrdom. He also asks him to pray for him and for his service to the Church, and while he commends him to the maternal protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he sincerely imparts the Apostolic Blessing, which he is pleased to extend to his family and to all those entrusted to his pastoral care.
I take this opportunity to express my testimony of consideration and esteem in Christ.
Edgar Peña Parra