19th of December 1925, to her younger sisters

Long live Jesus!
Convent of Blessed Inés
Benigánim, 19 th of December 1925
My dearest sisters, Sister María Jesús, Sister María Verónica, and Sister Felicidad,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am well, thanks be to God.
You cannot imagine, my dear sisters, the joy my heart feels in writing this letter. I feel compelled to express to you how deeply grateful I am to God our Lord for the immense favours He has bestowed upon us. Words fail me, and besides, no one understands these blessings better than the one who has received them—like Sister Felicidad. I am overjoyed and wish to give infinite thanks first to God and then to my beloved community for all they have done for my dear sister, Sister Felicidad. I am deeply grateful to you all and will not forget you in my humble prayers. I trust you will not forget me in your fervent prayers either, for I hold you very dear.
Please forgive me, my dear sisters, for the delay in writing to you. After the centenary celebration of our Blessed Inés, we had fallen behind in our tasks. Then, with the passing of my dear sister, Sister Josefa María of the Blessed Inés, whom I mourn deeply because of the many prayers she lifted to heaven for my sister Felicidad, I felt very indebted to her. I am confident that God our Lord has rewarded her in heaven with abundant glory; I hope and pray for it. For these reasons, I inadvertently delayed writing to you.
At the same time, I take this opportunity to wish you a very blessed and joyful Christmas. May you experience peace and happiness during this season, and may the Christ Child be born in your hearts, igniting them with His divine love and filling you with grace and favour. May He delight in being with you. Please don’t forget to ask Him for a grace on my behalf. Tell Him, on my behalf, to grant me what I so deeply desire and what He already knows—to make me entirely His—and to grant you all the blessings you wish for. I promise to keep you in my humble prayers, asking that we all remain faithful to God until death.
I want to share something with you, if you think it appropriate. Since we don’t know which of the four of us will be the first to depart this life, I have a wish: if I am the first, I would love to say goodbye to you before ascending to heaven, if God allows it. And if one of you departs first, and God permits it, I ask you to stop by Benigánim before ascending to heaven, so we can bid each other farewell. I think you might laugh at me, but if you agree, do let me know.
Receive the warm wishes of my Reverend Mother Prioress and the entire community. Please pass on my greetings to your Reverend Mother Abbess and the community, especially to Mother Manuela, to whom I wish to send a message. I would like to tell her something before she departs for heaven—should she go first, she must come by here, and I will tell her.
Sister María de la Perificación
I received the two Baby Jesus that you sent with Pedro, and it brought me great joy. May God reward you for everything. I still haven’t been able to do anything. When the weather improves, I will try. Farewell, my dear sisters.

4th of december 1927, to her siblings

J. M. J.
Convent of the Discalced Augustinians
My dearest siblings Bautista and Purificación in the Heart of Jesus,
We received the sad news of the passing of your beloved sister Isabel—may she rest in peace. She was so kind and gentle, and I held her dear as I had known her since childhood. I keep her in my humble prayers, and this Community has also entrusted her to God in their prayers so that, if she is in Purgatory, she may swiftly enjoy the joyful presence of God for all eternity.
I offer you my deepest condolences, which you may also convey on my behalf to your dear mother and sisters, María Vicenta and Angelina, who are always in my prayers. I ask the Lord to grant them strength and holy acceptance of God’s will, especially to your dear mother, for it is profoundly sorrowful for a mother to bury her children. Yet, we must align ourselves with God’s will, for He so lovingly arranges everything for our benefit. May He be blessed in all things.
Receive the heartfelt condolences of my Reverend Mother Prioress and the rest of the Community, who remember you in their prayers.
Sister María de la Purificación
Benigánim, 4th of December 1927

21st of December 1927, to her younger sisters

J. M. J
Convent of the Discalced Augustinians
My dearest sisters, Sister María Jesús, Sister María Verónica, and Sister Felicidad,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am well, thanks to God, and feeling better than the Queen of Spain!
I have long wished to write to you, and yet time has slipped by without fulfilling my desire. Purificación told me during her visit here that you were eager to know about the visit from the Capuchin Fathers. Allow me to share the details. Two Fathers came, one named Father Eloy, who told me he was your extraordinary confessor and was very keen to meet me. We met at the grille, and he mentioned that you had not written because you were so busy with the feast of your Father St. Francis. However, you had asked him to convey that I should treat them as I would have treated you had you visited me. We did everything within our means to honour them. They delivered the little package you had sent for me, which filled me with joy. May God reward you for it. With my Reverend Mother Prioress’s permission, I gave them two novenas, some holy cards, and a relic of Blessed Inés. They departed very pleased. Now you know the summary of their visit.
As for me, I am exceedingly happy and consider myself the most fortunate and blessed in the world. I would not trade my lot for all the kingdoms of the earth. My only desire is to fully take advantage of everything offered to me, to correspond to the great love the Lord has for me, providing me with so many means for sanctification. From now on, I hope to be more faithful and grateful for His blessings. I trust that you will pray fervently for me so that I may become good and remain faithful until the end. I never forget you in my humble prayers, asking God to grant us the joy of one day being reunited in Glory.
Please extend the greetings of my Reverend Mother Prioress and the rest of our Community to your Reverend Mother Abbess and the rest of your Community. Kindly ask them not to forget me in their fervent prayers, as I will do the same for all of you, despite the simplicity of my prayers.
From this little sister of yours, who loves you deeply and never forgets you in her humble prayers.
Sister María de la Purificación
Benigánim, 21st of Dcember 1927